
Showing posts from November, 2018

The Beauty of Reading

Reading has always been a source of knowledge, of happiness, of pleasure, and even moral courage. In today's world with so much advancements and developments, the importance of reading has increased for there are so much more to know and to learn. But back in the olden days, if reading wasn't acquired or taught it wasn't big deal for reading wasn't given an importance back then. Nowadays to be able to read is a must.  For people to live and survive in this world, we should know how to read. Reading is definitely a powerful key for us to have a better and successful  future ahead of us.  Reading broadens our knowledge and widens our vocabary.  It let us know things we cannot learn just by merely hearing it.  Also people often say that reading let them scape the harshness of the world and be able to forget it even just for a while.  Reading allows us to visit  different places without spending money but only by just sitting and relaxing at a particular place. It also