
Showing posts from October, 2018

2nd Stage: Well Done!

Time flies really so fast, the second quarter from my Grade 10 journey has again ended and two more quarters before I will complete my Grade 10 year. I learned more than enough this quarter. We talked all about internet, on how we access the internet and also one of the things that I enjoyed doing was creating an HTML file. It was fun but also challenging. We had learned the different types of internet access and a lot more about html. The challenges that I faced during the second quarter are, again, doing all the articles needed to be submitted. But anyway that was part of being a student, many activities and quizzes to be done. Moving on, I would like to appreciate what I learned from this Quarter and use these again on our own goodness. Also I want to thank my teacher for teaching us that made us do things independently. Thank you because, I know that in the near future we will apply these things. The second quarter is already done and hoping there are things to come

A Wonderful World

A beautiful and wonderful world. A world where in there are no harshness, no cruelty, and no brutality. A place where there are no sufferings and pains. A perfect place God has made for the human beings as well as every living things. A place that is like heaven on earth. But what if these things do not exist in our world?, In our reality?, In our society?. That everything that had said was the opposite of what we have now, that in our reality peace and unity weren't there? What shall we do? What are the things it should happen? This month we are celebrating the United Nations Month with the theme,"Coming togethere with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect for Human Rights and Dignity". A perfect place to live in is what we always dreamt of. In this theme,  every individual are being encourage to work hand in hand for the benefit of all human being. To help every people who are still suffering from violence and inequality . To give va

Utmost Gratitude

"A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart". Teachers always have a significant role in everyone's life, in everyone's future and in everyone's dream. They ate one of the reason why we have professionals, why we have a successful person and why we are able to achieve our dreams. Teaching needs a lot of effort, a very long patience, a stronh determination and. A big heart. Teaching wasn't easy, being a teacher is a hard job. They have a lot of responsibilities weighing on their shoulders, duties they have to fullfil and things they have to sacrifice. But despite all of these they still choose to teach, to mold one's future and build one's dream. Children often complain that their teachers were strict, they give many assignments, activities and even quizzes. But little did we know rhey have a better plan, even bigger than what we think of. Every teacher have their own ways in teaching, different tactics on how to mold a better perso

Science Month Celebration

Back in the days when everything is still simple, the way we live and the way we see life is, from the way how we communicate to someone far from us, to how we do all the chores. From the things we used at work to the things we have at home. Everything changed as the day passed by and as science and technology arised. The things we used to see had evolved. Many things where developed for the better. Every year at the month of September, we celebrate the Science Month. This year, the theme is all about "WAVEFRONT: Accentuating Potentials Activating Technological Advancements". This aims to enhance the technologies and unlocking different potentials through various activities prepared by the Science Club and Yes-O Club. Every student ate expected to participate in different activities that was prepared for the Science Month. Through this student's weaknesses will improve and some will be able to contribute something significant to the society. Indeed, technolog