
Showing posts from July, 2018

SONA 2018: President Duterte

The 16th president of the Republic of the Philippines, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte delivers his 3rd State of the Nation Address in Batasang Pambanza in Quezon City last July 23. It was recorded that it was the shortest speech ever that last for 48-minute address. As the Filipino people have known him, his name was associated to someone who will bring peace and order in our country Philippines. And based in his SONA it was very visible that he truly care and love our country as well as the Filipino people dearly. "Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives," President Duterte said. And as we have heard, it is really clear that he is not just after the seat instead he truly wants that the country Philippines will eventually become a better place. "You worry about the present; I am concerned both the present and the future... If not stopped, crimes can make human cesspools of succeeding generations. I will not allow it to happen. Not during my term," Duterte

It Plays A Vital Role In Our Life

What do we really need for us to achieve enough nutrition for our body? Ask yourself if you get enough nutrition in your everyday meal. Getting the right nutrition for our body plays a vital role in our everyday life. It gives us strength and energy for us to do and fulfill our responsibilities. It makes us stronger to fight all the illnesses and it can also makes us stay away from different types of diseases. But where and how do we get enough and right nutrition needed for our body? In the foods we eat, we get nutrients and so it is very important for us to know and have knowledge on how to achieve it. This year's Nutrition Month theme is "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisiyon Aanihin" -according to the National Nutrition Council of the Philippines. This year's theme aims to improve the healthy food intake of every Filipino people. It focuses on healthy  and safe food production at home through their own gardens of every families. It gives emphasis to the importa

An Open Letter for President Rodrigo Duterte

Dear Mr. President, 2 years had already passed since you became the President of the Philippines yet I still want to congratulate you, even if it's long overdue, for winning the seat of presidency and capturing the hearts of the Filipino people. It feels like it is only yesterday when that happens but time flies really so fast without us realizing it. Being a president of a country must be really burdensome and stressful, issues and problems waiting for your actions, and a lot of people waiting and watching you  closely to see for your mistakes. You are known to be the person who will bring peace and order in the country and not only that but a total change towards the country of the Philippines. You are also known and loved for your down to earth attitude and having the desire to lead, which prompted millions of Filipinos to vote you as the president but despite of these good traits of yours some of your dark traits are surfacing that makes some of the people to hate you, such

The Price of The Filipino's Hardships

120 years had passed since the day when Philippines independence was proclaimed and also 120 years had passed back when the Filipinos are now free from pain, hardships, sacrificing, and maltreatment in the hands of the inhuman and ruthless Spaniards. This is the day where we commemorate the past, the cruel experience and also the bravery showed for our country just to attain the freedom that was taken from us for a very long time, the freedom we are now experiencing. June 12, 1898 was the day where Emilio Aguinaldo declared the country's independence, the birth of the country Philippines with the right to be free not to be controlled by others. The journey to our freedom was a long and a hard one. Hard-earned by our countrymen and paid for with blood, sweat, and with their utmost act of selfless sacrifices. Even though we didn't  saw with our own eyes the suffering and lives that they offered, we should give importance and respect to what they have done. Respecting our fell