SONA 2018: President Duterte

The 16th president of the Republic of the Philippines, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte delivers his 3rd State of the Nation Address in Batasang Pambanza in Quezon City last July 23. It was recorded that it was the shortest speech ever that last for 48-minute address. As the Filipino people have known him, his name was associated to someone who will bring peace and order in our country Philippines. And based in his SONA it was very visible that he truly care and love our country as well as the Filipino people dearly.

"Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives," President Duterte said. And as we have heard, it is really clear that he is not just after the seat instead he truly wants that the country Philippines will eventually become a better place. "You worry about the present; I am concerned both the present and the future... If not stopped, crimes can make human cesspools of succeeding generations. I will not allow it to happen. Not during my term," Duterte added. His campaign in anti-illegal drug wasn't stopped. He said that the war against illegal drugs is still far from over. I believed that eradicating illegal drugs will  take time for the past administration didn't prioritized this issue resulting to increase the numbers of people who are related to illegal drugs.

"I value friendship, make no mistake about it. But it has limits. This is a lonely place I am hemmed in. Do not make it lonelier by forcing me to end our friendship because you gave me the reason to end it ," Duterte stated on his SONA. Recalling his appointees who were either fired or forced to resign to their position, the president appeals to his friends to do their jobs well to help him preserve their ties and make a more progressive country.

I am overwhelmed about the speech of the president and I wished and hoped that maybe afterwards our country Philippines will eventually become a better and progressive country away from harm.


  1. What an interesting article Ms. It is true that our president cares and love our country. Continue the good work


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