An Open Letter for President Rodrigo Duterte

Dear Mr. President,

2 years had already passed since you became the President of the Philippines yet I still want to congratulate you, even if it's long overdue, for winning the seat of presidency and capturing the hearts of the Filipino people. It feels like it is only yesterday when that happens but time flies really so fast without us realizing it. Being a president of a country must be really burdensome and stressful, issues and problems waiting for your actions, and a lot of people waiting and watching you  closely to see for your mistakes.

You are known to be the person who will bring peace and order in the country and not only that but a total change towards the country of the Philippines. You are also known and loved for your down to earth attitude and having the desire to lead, which prompted millions of Filipinos to vote you as the president but despite of these good traits of yours some of your dark traits are surfacing that makes some of the people to hate you, such as your impulsiveness as you talks and acts as what your mind tells without restraining yourself and fearing of what will be the consequences of it. Remove the habit of yours in spitting illiterate words or cursing because you're a public figure and many people are watching and hearing you say it.

When you became the president many people are hopeful that maybe this administration that you will be leading will be definitely better that the previous ones. The issue about illegal drugs are some of the issues that wren't  prioritized by the previous administrations. Concerning to this, I hope that for the next 4 years of your terms your promise about eradicating the illegal drug-related crimes will now succeed without much involving innocent peoples. Also the major challenge of the country is the corruption. And I have known that if the corruption of the government will erase , the long standing issue of poverty will also be eradicate. Lastly, I ask for an effective coordination of the administration in facing with disasters. I hope that the government is prepared in facing with these kinds of situations.

Hoping that your iron fist will indeed bring change to the country of the Philippines for the betterment of the entire Filipino nation. a strengthen justice system for a peaceful country without crimes and fear. A government with only a will to help and make the Philippines a progressive and a good country to live in. I wish as well and pray for your health and safety in leading our beloved country, Philippines.


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