
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Season of Christmas

The time for people to show their love and gratitude to someone. The time for sharing. The time to give. The time for gifts. The time where in Santa Claus appears. These are what we often hear when Christmas is talked about. The day when the saviour Jesus Christ was born. It is true that Christmas is all about love. The birth of Jesus, the one and only son of the Almighty God, depicts the unending love of our God to us human beings. It is the time for love though I believe that every day of our lives is a time for love. Even though it is not Christmas we can still show our love and we should show our love to someone near our heart. To the people around us, we should show our gratitude to them even in the simplest ways. The time for sharing, giving, the time for gifts. Santa Claus is one of the representations of Christmas aside from the Holy family. Santa Claus is someone who gives something, who shares something without expecting in return and hoping for an acknowledgement. Just l

The Future of The Present!

A gift from God to a man and a woman who loved each other. A treasure to a family who gives laughter, strength and also an inspiration to everyone. The hope of a nation and the future of the whole world. The next generation of the human race who will continue what had started and who will change the things that should be changed. Too young as what we thought but has a big role in the society. Children are the world's most valuable resources and the best hope for the future. Even though they are still young and we thought that it's as if they cannot do anything but little did we know that they contribute a lot in our daily life. For example, to a parent who is exhausted from work but once he or she saw his or her child's face, his or her tiredness will disappear and will gain his or her strength again. Another is that children give hopes, realizations, and they also become the inspiration to the one's who are at their downfall. They teached us what really life is all

A Need or A Want?

A simple environment, a simple life,  a simple way of living. But in today's world with so much advancements and developments, that simple way of living also changes as how these technologies arise. Technology was created to make our life much easier like how gadgets were made. Gadgets were invented to give people entertainment and also to make communication possible despite the distance between them. Nowadays gadgets are somewhat a necessity to every person. Cellphones are used to communicate to someone much easier especially when it is an emergency. In school, gadgets are still needed.  In making projects, doing an activity, accessing the internet and many more. Gadgets help us in a lot of ways but sometimes there are still it's bad effects. At the present time even the younger ones have or using a gadget. They were exposed into the internet where a lot of informations were not suitable for young viewers. When children are not properly guided in using a gadget, sometimes