The Future of The Present!

A gift from God to a man and a woman who loved each other. A treasure to a family who gives laughter, strength and also an inspiration to everyone. The hope of a nation and the future of the whole world. The next generation of the human race who will continue what had started and who will change the things that should be changed. Too young as what we thought but has a big role in the society.

Children are the world's most valuable resources and the best hope for the future. Even though they are still young and we thought that it's as if they cannot do anything but little did we know that they contribute a lot in our daily life. For example, to a parent who is exhausted from work but once he or she saw his or her child's face, his or her tiredness will disappear and will gain his or her strength again. Another is that children give hopes, realizations, and they also become the inspiration to the one's who are at their downfall. They teached us what really life is all about. They are still young yet they have already a responsibility where in they have to make their selves a better person, to make their selves worthy not just for their own future but also for the whole world.

Children's Day is held to help children to fell special. It is celebrated to let them know the importance of a healthy childhood, to let them enjoy their childhood despite the cruelness of the society. The pressure of growing up and becoming an adult are almost hard to handle,  the high expectations of  the people around and the dreams of the adults to their children.

On this day children are given a break and a rest to all these pressure. It aims to help raise awareness for the rights we have so we could protect it and be able to have a healthy and happy adulthood.


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