The Season of Christmas

The time for people to show their love and gratitude to someone. The time for sharing. The time to give. The time for gifts. The time where in Santa Claus appears. These are what we often hear when Christmas is talked about. The day when the saviour Jesus Christ was born.

It is true that Christmas is all about love. The birth of Jesus, the one and only son of the Almighty God, depicts the unending love of our God to us human beings. It is the time for love though I believe that every day of our lives is a time for love. Even though it is not Christmas we can still show our love and we should show our love to someone near our heart. To the people around us, we should show our gratitude to them even in the simplest ways.

The time for sharing, giving, the time for gifts. Santa Claus is one of the representations of Christmas aside from the Holy family. Santa Claus is someone who gives something, who shares something without expecting in return and hoping for an acknowledgement. Just like how God gave his only begotten son just to save us. And that is Christmas, giving and sharing without expecting in exchange. Everyone of us, anyone of us can be Santa Claus as long as you have the heart to give and share.

That's the essence of Christmas for me. Just all about love,  forgiveness, and sharing. We love because we choose not to hate. We forgive because we choose to have a peace of mind and happiness of our hearts. The Season of Christmas, the most awaited celebration of the Filipino people.


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