
Showing posts from March, 2019

Reflection: 4th Grading

More Than Armed!  Here comes the ending. It might be hard to put an end to something you have already get used to it. To say goodbye to those people you've became comfortable with. But before anything else let's might as well start to talk about our beautiful experience throughout our 4th quarter.  Making and editing pictures, enhancing it's details and making it more appealing to the eye is what we had focused. Learning how to use a photoshop and widening our knowledges in creating and editing pictures. In the process, by our respective  groups we are assigned to report and share our knowledges on the class on the given topics about Photoshop. It was hard analyzing, knowing and remembering  the different features of the Photoshop but it is quite bearable because of our past and stock knowledges of what we had learned during our grade 8 lessons about Photoshop as well wherein it was thoroughly explained and showed. On the other side, our blog posts became

My Dream, My Future!

I Dream! As I went out of my office and take my rounds in every room I’m in charged,  I see diverse people wearing different expressions. Each if them have their own stories to tell. All of them are facing their biggest challenge in life and that is fighting for their own lives. Wanting to live a little bit longer to be with their loved ones. And here I am, who have the passion to help other people.  A heart that wants no pain for every human beings. To assure them that we doctors will cure them.  Life is full of ups and downs, challenges, triumphs, issues, victories, and dullness that all of us has to overcome and outdo. But let me say this, all of us will come face to face to all of these, that’s the truth, but bot everyone of us will overcome these challenges and achieve these victories. There have been men and women who have given up along their way. However,  there are still a lot of them who continues to fight and pursue their life driven by their dreams. And that dr

117th High School Day Celebration

Mesmerizing Event It’s been 117 years had passed since the foundation of our beloved school,  Ilocos Sur National High School (ISNHS). Last March 2, 2019, Foundation Day or more likely to be known as High School Day was celebrated. All students of ISNHS participated in the said event as well as the teachers and other personnel of the school. Parents of the students and others also partook in the celebration. With the parade in the morning of 2nd day of March,  students wore their colorful and diverse costumes per grade levels as they walked around the city of Vegan. Arranged according to their respective sections and grade levels,  the parade proceeded possessing confidence, pride and self-discipline of every students. In the afternoon at exactly 1:00pm the celebration continued. With the respected principal,  Mr.  Romulo Quitevis, as he delivered his opening remarks. To the honored guest speaker who left a remarkable lesson, the 4H Keys To Success: Hope, Hard work,  Honest


The Pride of Every Ilocanos The Province of Ilocos Sur is rich with its beautiful cultures and traditions. Preserved by the Ilocanos and passed by generations to generations. And up until now we are still able to see and experience the colorful cultures and traditions made by our ancestors. Indeed, these became our most treasured treasure that we, Ilocanos, can be proud of. Held in the Heritage City of Vigan from January 28 to February 17, Kannawidan Festival is celebrated not only to showcase the beautiful cultures of every municipality of Ilocos Sur but also to commemorate its being separate province with Ilocos Norte. As south,  this is such a good opportunity for us to experience and know about these rich cultures of Ilocos Sur. We became aware to the history, traditionals as well as the products of each municipality in Ilocos Sur. Because of these feast we are also able to show our talents through the different activities made for the Kannawidan Festival