Reflection: 4th Grading

More Than Armed! 

Here comes the ending. It might be hard to put an end to something you have already get used to it. To say goodbye to those people you've became comfortable with. But before anything else let's might as well start to talk about our beautiful experience throughout our 4th quarter. 

Making and editing pictures, enhancing it's details and making it more appealing to the eye is what we had focused. Learning how to use a photoshop and widening our knowledges in creating and editing pictures. In the process, by our respective  groups we are assigned to report and share our knowledges on the class on the given topics about Photoshop. It was hard analyzing, knowing and remembering  the different features of the Photoshop but it is quite bearable because of our past and stock knowledges of what we had learned during our grade 8 lessons about Photoshop as well wherein it was thoroughly explained and showed. On the other side, our blog posts became more easy to handle. I think I became acquainted in making the articles needed for posting that makes it easy or rather I've learned to put it first on my to-do list. All in all it was fun learning and I enjoyed a lot during our meetings. 

This school year,  I earned a lot of knowledges that I can use in the future. Just like what I've said in the beginning it's been quiet a while. And we are more than armed to open and start the new chapter of our life. To continue and take another step toward our dreams. Thank you to our teacher, Mrs. Evelyn Vera Cruz, for guiding us throughout this journey of ours.   

It's been almost ten months since we've started. It was already quite long. To the memories that we shared together,  the hardships that we felt at the same time and the echoing laughters we've created on the four corners of our room. It seems like yesterday since the very beginning and I feel nostalgic remembering it. We've come so far ICT 10-Martinelli year 2018-2019 and
I am very happy I was able to meet you and be with for 10 months of learnings and craziness. Goodluck in your next chapter of life. It's time to say goodbye.


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