My Dream, My Future!

I Dream!

As I went out of my office and take my rounds in every room I’m in charged,  I see diverse people wearing different expressions. Each if them have their own stories to tell. All of them are facing their biggest challenge in life and that is fighting for their own lives. Wanting to live a little bit longer to be with their loved ones. And here I am, who have the passion to help other people.  A heart that wants no pain for every human beings. To assure them that we doctors will cure them. 

Life is full of ups and downs, challenges, triumphs, issues, victories, and dullness that all of us has to overcome and outdo. But let me say this, all of us will come face to face to all of these, that’s the truth, but bot everyone of us will overcome these challenges and achieve these victories. There have been men and women who have given up along their way. However,  there are still a lot of them who continues to fight and pursue their life driven by their dreams. And that dream pushed me to do my best in life. Because I believe that if you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing to do is to make a step towards your dreams, to take an action that leads you to your dreams.

Our path might not be as perfect as what we’ve imagine it to be. The road might have many humps and obstacles. There might be many signages on the road that says ‘left turn’or ‘right turn’or. But let’s not be swayed by these and be the cause for us to be lost and be stuck on our way. These things do not really matter because the clearer your dreams are, the brighter the spotlight will be to inspire and lead you to the right path. The best things come to those who never give up. I believe that the present determines the future. If you work hard today eventually it will be paid off on the future. 

Benjamin Franklin once said the best way to build a dream is by attending to the little things that comprise it. It’s foundation is in the little details; its beauty in the fine points. And that saying best describe how our dream works for me. My dream,  my future. Let’s make our dream not just a dream but our reality.


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