Change Starts With Me

The Best of Us

Six letters, one word that everyone of us needs, change. An inescapable truth wherein everything will have to change, that nothing is permanent in this world except for the word change. A dangerous thing that can frighten anyone. It can be one of the most powerful thing that can occur in the whole universe. It can do wonders in one's life. Change is a new beginning,  a new hope and a new chance for the people who lose hope,  a change for the better as they say. But if accompanied by hatred, anger or evilness that is a different story about the word change to the story of mine.

Change only happen if someone will start it, if someone will take an action. And a total change comes with a long process. A change for the better starts with me. It is true that I am still young and that I haven't yet established a name of mine. But I believe that wanting a change for the better needs no appropriate social status or it has an age limit but instead having the will to achieve it, with the determination you possess that's what matter the most to me. I will start it with my simple actions and with my simple contributions to it. I believe that the best way to reach for the things you wanted is by attending to the little things that comprise it,  to the simple things we do. Because big things always starts with the little things we do. Be a role model to everyone.

Change in our life continue to happen no matter what. We cannot control things to stay the way they are. We cannot escape change like how we cannot escape death.  All we can do is to make sure that if we change it should be good to ourselves and to others. Change so that we can progress, change so that we can be the best of us. Because good isn't good enough if we can be better and better isn't good enough if we can be best. Change starts with me. Change for the best of us.


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