New Year, New Me

The Best of Me

I welcomed it with a smile on my face. I started it with the feeling of satisfaction and gratefulness.  It's a new year. New experiences as we go forward,  new chances and opportunities we will encounter along the way and new memories we will build. A fresh start for our goals in life still aiming the same dreams of ours.

The year 2018 wasn't easy for me along with the past years because, of course, we experienced and faced a lot of challenges with different levels of difficulty. Looking back made me feel mixed emotions. It made me teary eyed remembering those rough times,  laugh at those crazy moments of mine and smile at those experiences that made me who I am now. And I am so grateful to be there before, to be able to do everything that I have done before. But despite the happiness that I've already felt,  it's a human nature to still have those questions, those curiousities, those 'what if's' running in my mind. "What if I did this and that? What of I didn't?" and so on. Those questions stayed as a question. Eventually I realized that I cannot turn back time and all I can do is to be the best that I can be and do everything that I can do to not have regrets at the end again. I failed many times and many times I learned a lesson. I stumbled along my way throughout my journey in the year 2018 but I stand up and believed in my own strength,  in my own capabilities that I can do it, that I can get through it.

That made me who I am now. Those challenges that arised and will arise along my path will make and will turn me to be the better version of myself capable enough to fulfill the highest and truest expression of myself as a human being. Closing the chapter of my life in the year 2018 and starting again a new chapter for the year 2019, I can proudly say,"This is who I am now,  open for progress to be the best that I can be."


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